N.Y.S.D.O.T. Mixed Bowling League Rules and Regulations 2011-2012

  1. This organization shall be known as the N.Y.S.D.O.T. Mixed League and shall be sanctioned by the A.B.C. and the W.I.B.C.
  2. We will be bowling 36 weeks.
  3. Each bowler shall pay a bowling fee as stated in the prize list per night. Sanction fees are part of the money collected at the beginning of the season. The TEAM CAPTAIN shall be responsible for the team fee for 36 weeks.
  4. Five minutes practice bowling before league starts. Kindly be prompt as we start bowling at 6:30 PM. Please be available when it is your turn to bowl. We must be considerate of the league bowlers that follow our league and be off the lanes by 9:00 PM.
  5. Each team shall consist of four regular bowlers. The entering average shall be based on the previous season’s average except as otherwise provided for in exceptional cases. .Averages for bowlers without an established average shall be based on their first three games. In case of any absent bowler(s), five (5) pins shall be deducted from his or her average.
  6. A majority of the team captains shall be required to approve each replacement.
  7. The eleven point system shall be used in scoring. When scoring, three points for each win, one point for high game, and one point for total number of pins. In case of a tie, each team shall receive 1/2 point value.
  8. No bowler may enter after the third frame has been completed by both teams. The late bowler may bowl the balance of the game for practice.
  9. All disputes shall be settled by a majority of the team captains.
  10. Postponements shall be agreed upon by the league and alley. The league and the alley must be notified at least 48 hours prior to bowling time except in an emergency. A postponed match must be bowled by the following TUESDAY NIGHT, otherwise they forfeit. (Adopted 5/26/94)
  11. Bowlers must have competed in 2/3 of the games to be eligible for special individual prizes.
  12. No bowler or team may win more than one award in each of the individual and team prizes, except association awards.
  13. A Vacancy Score is used when a team does not have sufficient number of players on its roster to field a full lineup. Since ABC rule 105d provides a vacancy score of 120, this league shall adopt and use 120 as a Vacancy Score.
  14. When a full team is vacant, the team bowling against a blind team has to bowl their team average less 20 pins in order to take any points each game. (Adopted 6/9/88)
  15. Final position round of the season; If 1st & 2nd places are clinched, there is no change to position round bowling. If 1st & last place are clinched, then 1st place bowls as if it were a last place team. (Sample: 2 vs. 3, 4 vs. 5……….last vs. 1st) (Adopted 6/4/87)
  16. This league considers 1 bowler present (ready to bowl) a league lineup, otherwise the team forfeits the points for that game. (Adopted 5/16/91)
  17. First place or any other trophy position ties will be decided by total wood for the trophy, but the prize money will be divided equally between the tied teams. (Adopted 5/16/91)
  18. Any new team entering the league shall have at least one bowler of the opposite sex. Any existing team with all bowlers of the same sex, should they lose a bowler, must get a replacement bowler of the opposite sex. (Adopted 6/3/93)
  19. For the first 9 games of the new season bowlers with averages from last year in this league shall use that average. New bowlers will establish an average after 3 games. (Adopted 6/3/93)
  20. This league has decided to bowl two eighteen week seasons. Prize money for the first half will be awarded at the end of the season along with the second half prize money. All scores and averages are computed for the entire season. A bowler must still complete 2/3’s of the season (72 games) to be eligible for individual awards. This rule will be voted on each year by the bowlers in the league before the start of the next season. (Adopted 9/5/96)
  21. The league will determine wins and losses on a 85% handicap. (Adopted 5/19/05)
  22. If a bowler has a planned vacation and wishes to pre-bowl for that week, they must notify the league secretary and also the team that they are scheduled to bowl. This is only allowed to be done once a season. (Adopted 5/29/03)
  23. Substitutes are allowed. If bowling for one team all season and they have paid the weekly dues then they will split the prize money for that team. If their name is on the master list of substitutes then they only have to pay the lineage fee for the week they bowl. All substitutes have to pay the sanction fee or be sanctioned in another league. (Adopted 8/30/07)